

Developing together the materials of tomorrow

Imagining the alloys of the future

Metals and alloys of the future, collaborative research, innovative processes: Lebronze alloys innovates to reinvent the metallurgical industry. Because they are precious, we work daily for more intelligent and more sustainable use of materials. We develop value-creating solutions to respond to new uses of metals as well as to the permanent evolution of regulations. Our 4 main areas of research and development:

Innovative processes

Ecological alternatives

Recycling and material saving

New applications

developed alloys

invested in R&D every year

partnerships with European centers of scientific expertise

An ecosystem for innovation

Innovation is a core value of the Lebronze alloys culture. Internally, our technical teams are dedicated every day to meeting the present and future needs of our customers and their applications. Externally, we are multiplying our partnerships with academic and industrial research centers to expand our field of knowledge and expertise. We articulate this entire ecosystem around three main themes:

Technological and market watch

From the research phase through to the industrialization of innovation, we stay in touch with the market and analyze the competitive, technological and regulatory environment in real time.

Formulation of materials

By capitalizing on technological and market intelligence, we draw on our scientific and metallurgical skills to innovate in the development of new materials with high added value.

Process development

As part of an integrated approach to our production systems, we design certain manufacturing processes ourselves.

Copper, a source of innovation

Copper's extraordinary characteristics make it an indispensable component for future innovations. Did you know that copper, along with 3 alloy metals that we use mainly (nickel, zinc and tin) are among the 9 most critical and strategic metals according to a BRGM-McKinsey study?

Ability to alloy with many other metals

Good forming ability

Sanitary protection
(virucide, bactericide, fungicide)

Recyclable (can be recovered throughout its life)

Electrical and thermal conductivity

Various hardening modes (structural, spinodal or alloy hardening)

Our key innovations